The Best Infra for Serving Fine-Tuned SLMs

Serve fine-tuned small language models on autoscaling infra with inference speeds 2-3x faster than other solutions. Powered by LoRAX and Turbo LoRA.

Our Cloud or Yours

We offer deployment methods designed for teams at any stage of development from early experimentation through large-scale production.

Predibase Cloud

Automatically spin up a private, serverless GPU deployment for any base model and serve 100s of fine-tuned models on top using LoRAX.

Predibase Cloud

Virtual Private Cloud

Use your own cloud environment for complete control and the strictest privacy and security.

Learn more
Virtual Private Cloud
At Convirza, our workload can be extremely variable, with spikes that require scaling up to double-digit A100 GPUs to maintain performance. The Predibase Inference Engine and LoRAX allow us to efficiently serve 60 adapters while consistently achieving an average response time of under two seconds. Predibase provides the reliability we need for these high-volume workloads. The thought of building and maintaining this infrastructure on our own is daunting—thankfully, with Predibase, we don’t have to.

Giuseppe Romagnuolo, VP of AI at Convirza

At Convirza, our workload can be extremely variable, with spikes that require scaling up to double-digit A100 GPUs to maintain performance. The Predibase Inference Engine and LoRAX allow us to efficiently serve 60 adapters while consistently achieving an average response time of under two seconds. Predibase provides the reliability we need for these high-volume workloads. The thought of building and maintaining this infrastructure on our own is daunting—thankfully, with Predibase, we don’t have to.

Giuseppe Romagnuolo, VP of AI at Convirza


Unprecedented Speed And Efficiency For Small Language Models

Turbo LoRA

2-3x faster with Turbo LoRA

Experience a 2-3x boost in throughput with Turbo LoRA, the industry’s fastest serving infrastructure for fine-tuned small language models.


Accelerate Deployments With FP8

Leverage FP8 support to reduce inference time and costs, maximizing the efficiency of your small language models.


Many Fine-Tuned Models. One GPU

LoRAX lets you serve multiple fine-tuned adapters from a single GPU rather than spin up dedicated deployments for each use case. Run experiments and POCs with excess capacity, not dedicated GPUs.

Turbo LoRA

Fast, Efficient Deployments Powered
by LoRAX’s Innovations

Continuous Multi-Adapter Batching

Load multiple adapters on a single GPU deployment in a single model forward pass with nearly no impact on latency.

Tiered Weight Caching

Automatically unload unused adapters from GPU to CPU to disk to avoid out-of-memory errors.

Dynamic Adapter Loading

Each set of fine-tuned LoRA weights is loaded from storage just-in-time as requests come in at runtime, without blocking concurrent requests.

Intelligent Infrastructure

Serving is critical. Trust proven infrastructure.

Reserve GPU resources for critical loads

Enterprise customers can reserve guaranteed capacity from our A100 and H100 GPU fleet, ensuring you always have sufficient resources to serve your load.

Cost-efficient auto-scaling

Automatically adjust GPU resources to precisely match your SLM demands, ensuring optimal performance and cost-efficiency at all times.

  • 3 x H100 GPUs.
  • 12 peak hours / day.
  • Peak QPS: 50.
  • Off-peak QPS: 5.
  • Input: 1700 tokens.
  • Output: 5 tokens.

Built for Production Use-Cases

Scale to hundreds of requests per second without sacrificing throughput or reliability. Our infrastructure has served high-volume, mission critical loads without breaking a sweat.

Optimized Cold Starts

SaaS customers can ramp up additional GPUs for burst capacity in the blink of an eye. Guaranteed SLAs for enterprise customers.

Enterprise Readiness

Unmatched Control,
Scale, and Security

Deploy in Your Private Cloud

Safeguard your data with secure deployments within your virtual private cloud. Use your existing cloud spend commitments while benefiting from the power and performance of our software.

Deploy in Your Private Cloud

Multi-Region High Availability

Trust our multi-region architecture to minimize downtime and maintain seamless service for your small language models. In the event of a regional disruption, your multi-region deployments will reallocate local GPU resources to meet your load requirements in seconds.

Multi-Region High Availability

Real-time Insights

Gain detailed observability metrics to monitor and optimize the performance of your SLMs in real-time, addressing issues before they impact your business.

Real-time Insights

Built from the ground up for security

Built from the ground up for security

Manage Your Instance Through an Intuitive UI

Manage Deployments in One Place

Get a bird’s eye view of your private serverless and shared serverless deployments. Create new deployments with just a few clicks or a few lines of code.

Choose your GPUs

Optimize for cost and performance by specifying a GPU for the deployment.

View a detailed event log

Dive into a full event log to diagnose errors

Fully Customizable Replica Settings

Our simple UI lets you easily configure the threshold for ramping up or spinning down additional GPU replicas. Also available via the SDK.

Ready to efficiently fine-tune and serve your own LLM?