Machine Learning Use Case

Named Entity Recognition

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is an NLP task that involves using machine learning to identify a predefined set of text entities within an input text. NER can be used in many applications like corpus annotations for inline term definitions or enhancing question and answering systems.  Learn how to build an end-to-end NER pipeline to identify molecular biology terminology.

The Predibase Solution

Extract useful information from unstructured text with NER

  • Rapidly preprocess unstructured text - in this use case, molecular biology texts
  • Finely tune a series of neural networks  with little-to-no-code
  • Automate text entity recognition to power downstream use cases

Unstructured Text

Medical reports
Medical reports
Biological research
Biological research
Clinical studies
Clinical studies
Health records
Health records
Named Entity Recognition

Business Value

Reduce the time and effort of categorizing text
Reduce the time and effort of categorizing text
Automate the process for future content tagging
Automate the process for future content tagging
Improve consistency of labeled data vs. manual coding
Improve consistency of labeled data vs. manual coding

Train your first NER model 
in <20 lines of a config file

At the core of Predibase is Ludwig, an open-source declarative ML framework, that automates complex model development with a simple configuration file. Predibase builds on these capabilities with a collaborative, easy-to-use, and fully managed ML platform in the cloud.

Resources to Get Started

Ready to efficiently fine-tune and serve your own LLM?