How to Fine-tune Mixtral 8x7b with Open-source Ludwig

December 19, 2023 · 2 min read
Mixtral Blog Tile
Timothy Wang
Timothy Wang

Earlier this year, Mistral AI released Mistral-7b, a popular open-source LLM that skyrocketed to the top of the HuggingFace leaderboard given its small size and strong performance against the larger Llama-2-13b. Only a few months later, the same team released Mixtral 8x7B, one of the first successful open-source implementations of the Mixture of Experts architecture (MoE). MoE is rumored to be the same architecture implemented by GPT4.

Mixtral 8x7B is an exciting development as it demonstrates the incredible performance of a novel open-source model and narrows the gap with commercial LLMs. However, if you plan to use Mixtral for your use case, you'll likely want to fine-tune it on your task-specific data to improve performance (we believe the future is fine-tuned and you can read about our research on the topic in this recent post: Specialized AI).

Developers getting started with fine-tuning oftentimes hit roadblocks implementing the optimizations needed to train models quickly and reliably on cost-effective hardware. To help you avoid the dreaded OOM error, we’ve made it easy to fine-tune Mixtral 8x7B for free on commodity hardware using Ludwig—a powerful open-source framework for highly optimized model training through a declarative, YAML-based interface. Ludwig provides a number of optimizations out-of-the-box—such as automatic batch size tuning, gradient checkpointing, parameter efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) and 4-bit quantization (QLoRA)—and has a thriving community with over 10,000 stars on github.

Let's get started!

Mixtral 8x7b Performance Benchmarks

As we mentioned earlier, Mixtral 8x7B has shown strong results in comparison to the significantly larger Llama-2-70b against a number of benchmarks:

Mixtral Benchmarks

Mixtral 8x7b base model performance against LLaMa-2-70B. Image source:

However, we want to see just how much further we can push its performance through the power of task-specific fine-tuning.

Our Fine-tuning Dataset

For this fine-tuning example, we will be using CodeAlpaca-20k, a code generation dataset that provides an instruction, a potential input, and an output:

Mixtral fine-tuning dataset

A screenshot of the CodeAlpaca-20k dataset that we used to fine-tune Mixtral 8x7b.

How to Fine-tune Mixtral 8x7b

In order to feasibly fine-tune a 47B parameter model, we used 4-bit quantization, adapter-based fine-tuning, and gradient checkpointing to reduce the memory overhead as much as possible. By doing so, we were able to fine-tune Mixtral 8x7B on 2 A5000s.

As Ludwig is a declarative framework, all you need to do to fine-tune an LLM is provide a simple configuration. Here’s what we used for fine-tuning Mixtral:

model_type: llm
 - name: instruction
   type: text
 - name: output
   type: text
   global_max_sequence_length: 256
 template: >-
   Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that
   provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the

   ### Instruction: {instruction}

   ### Input: {input}

   ### Response:

 type: lora
 type: finetune
   type: paged_adam
 epochs: 3
 gradient_accumulation_steps: 16
 enable_gradient_checkpointing: true
 type: local
base_model: mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-v0.1
 bits: 4

Sample Ludwig code for fine-tuning Mixtral 8x7b.

After you kick off your training job, you should see a screen that looks like this:

Training Job for Mixtral

Screenshot of our Ludwig fine-tuning job for Mixtral 8x7b.

Congratulations, you’re now fine-tuning Mixtral 8x7b!

If you’re interested in how the training should go, here are the loss curves from our training run for reference:

Mixtral loss curves

Loss curves from our Mixtral training run.

Next Steps: Fine-tune Mixtral 8x7b for Your Use Case

In this short tutorial, we showed you how to easily, reliably and efficiently fine-tune Mixtral 8x7b on readily available hardware using open-source Ludwig. Try it out and share your results with our Ludwig community on discord.

If you're interested in fine-tuning and serving LLMs on managed cost-effective serverless infra within your cloud, then check out Predibase. Just sign up for our free 2-week trial, and train and serve any open-source LLM including Mixtral, Llama-2 and Zephyr on different hardware configurations all the way from T4s to A100s. For serving fine-tuned models, you can choose from spinning up a dedicated deployment per model, or packing many fine-tuned models into a single deployment for massive cost savings without sacrificing throughput and latency. Check out our open-source project LoRAX to learn more about our novel approach to model serving.


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